The Betterment Project

MySystem x Julian Chua

Meet Julian Chua. He came to Hollywood as an Olympic hopeful to train at Freddie Roach's legendary Wild Card Boxing Club. After a series of injuries, he turned his energy to coaching. Now, he's known for getting world champion fighters in peak condition for competition.


Q: What daily habits keep you going?⁠

A: At the end of the day, I reflect on how I can do better. I try to be honest. If you refuse to believe you make mistakes, then how can you fix them?


Q: The best memories often result from going off the grid or off schedule. Describe one. ⁠

A: My first fight was not planned. I'd started boxing at 12, but my mother was afraid of head injuries, so I stopped. Four years later, I walked into a restaurant and saw my former boxing coach. He asked if I had an interest in the Indiana Golden Gloves tournament, less than a month away. I said no at first -- I hadn't put on a glove in four years. But then I convinced my mother, and endured three weeks of brutal training. I was terrified, but ready. I ended up winning the tournament and it changed my life forever. ⁠


Q: What would you say to your 20-year-old self?

A: I would probably say, "Tough times don't last. Tough people do."⁠

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